The Wiki for Middle-Earth


 "First-born" Uruk-hai. Particularly bloodthirsty, brutal and skilled commander who leads the forces of Isengard. Appears in both BFME 1 and in BFME 2 fighting for in ranks of his master.


Lurtz in the New Line Films

Battle for Middle Earth 1[]

One of the only two heroes Isengard has at it's disposal. Thus he serves particularly critical role in the army, being an irreplaceble asset for his troops.

Lurtz has range of diverse skills, making him adaptable and extrodinarly useful in tactical use. He's particularly good at killing enemy heroes; either directly or by exposing them to his forces - and by that damaging the opposed army right at it's heart. He motivates his troops to deal hugely increased damage and to scavenge ressources from killied enemies - and by that strenghtening already powerful Isengard economy.

Lurtz can take care of himself, having a good amount of health and dealing solid damage. Nevertheless, he will be primary target for the enemy player. Make sure he is surrounded by his troops - at the safest yet most deadly position he can be at.

Skill Unlocked at level Description
Toogle Weapon 1 Toogles between sword and bow
Cripple 1 Hit enemy hero is hold in place for approx. 30s
Carnage 3 Gains +100% damage, +30% armor. Increases attack speed by 50%. Able to hit multiple enemies at once.
Pillage 4 Gains ressources from killed enemies. Works on nearby units
Leadership 6 Nearby units gain +60% damage

Lurtz is generously priced at fixed 1200 ressources.


Lurtz was the first of Saruman's able Uruks to be born. He led a force of Uruk Scouts against the Fellowship at Amon Hen, where his troops killed Boromir, although Lurtz was slain by Aragorn shortly thereafter. Ugluk succeeded him.

His name does not originate from Tolkien's books.

Battle for Middle-earth[]

In BFME 1 Lurtz has 1200 health, 60 melee damage, and 40 ranged damage.

Battle for Middle-earth II[]

Abilities and Requirements[]

  • Toggle Weapon - Switches between melee and his composite bow
  • Carnage - Lurtz gains +10% armor and +200% damage
  • Cripple - Targets an enemy hero for 30 seconds and holds him in place
  • Leadership - Nearby units gain +50% armor and damage, and their experience is gained twice as fast
  • Pillage - He and nearby allies gain resources on each kill

His health in this game is 300, sword damage is 200, and the damage from his bow is 150.

Cost: 1200

Command points taken: 60



White Hand Banner testForces of IsengardWhite Hand Banner test